"Soda in Spring" / September 2022

I was in music class and we were using Garageband, I had finished my assignment so I had freetime. I started a song with loops and I saved the file and uploaded it to a Google Drive, went home, downloaded it, and finished it. I was so proud of it

"Tiger Parade"

Used loops for fun

"Height of the Sky"

Used loops for fun

"Soft Goodbye"

"Space Dust"

"Harp Melodies"


"Twisted Chords"


"Shattered Market" / May 2022

After getting a random boost of motivation out of no where, defiently my favorite garageband song so far

"The Enemy"

Testing out another older version of garageband by guess what, MESSING WITH LOOPS!! (again again again again)

"Pink Owl"

"Raging Blizzard"

"Grand Open"

"Darkest Night"

"Lotus Pond"

"The Sea"

"The Clock Strikes 13"

In the title when it means how in 12 hour time there is no "13th" hour so its like a clock breaking which is why the song is so aggressive and stuff, its like another part to "Broken Time"

"Broken Time" / March 2022

"Forgotten River" / March 2022

"Torn Town"


"Tropical Breeze" / January 2022
